Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Am I Speaking English?

I'm sincerely embarrassed to say that I haven't written anything in ages.  Why?  There is no other reason than pure and utter lack of commitment. Except maybe the reason that I don't feel I am nearly interesting enough for others to want to read about, despite what my mother seems to think.  However, I do feel that having a blog and not using it is a waste of internet space that is already highly abused.

I have to admit that when I started writing this, I had no idea what I was even going to write about, but as I sat staring at my computer I thought about a conversation I had with my house-mate, Jake,one night and the confusion that ensued.

When Jake walked into my bedroom and asked if I had a bobble, I have no shame in admitting that I had no effing clue what he was talking about.  My first thought was that he was asking for one of those weebles.  You know, those toys with the saying "Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down" ?  Of course, that thought only lasted for a fraction of a second before I realized no one in their right mind would want one of those, or even expect another person to have them.  I didn't even have enough of an idea to wager a guess, so he resorted to trying to figure out how to explain it.  Jake started making a circle with his hands and kept saying, "What do you call it?" until he said it was to hold someone's hair back.

A hair tie. Jake needed a hair tie for his girlfriend. All that effort to ask for a hair tie got me thinking about how many times that's happened to me now that I live in England. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even speaking English.

So today, when, in my upset and homesick state, I decided to go to Starbucks and saw that they had Christmas lattes, my spirits were instantly lifted. They had a praline mocha latte that I was convinced was going to make my day better.  When I asked for this grande praline mocha latte the guy at the counter stared at me and said "I'm sorry, what did you want?." I repeated that I wanted a GRANDE PRALINE MOCHA LATTE and after another quizzical look, he let me pay.

When they called out the order they say "Grande Praaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaline mocha latte". That's P-Rah-Lean for us ignorant yanks.

I swear. What assholes.